Trending Plugins of the Week: January 22, 2024

Photo by Алекс Арцибашев on Unsplash

The below list shows trending plugins based on their growth over the last week. It is broken up into three different classes (Low, Medium, High) to compare those groups against each other instead of new plugins against well established plugins.

Low Volume Plugins (less then 50000 downloads)

Git File Explorer
Add relevant git information of detected git repostitories to the file explorer
+129 (+192.54%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Strip Internal Links
Copies the contents of files or selections within to the clipboard, without internal links
+107 (+110.31%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Task Status
Quickly change checkbox and task status markers.
+250 (+106.38%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Edit non-md file types as markdown files
+144 (+86.23%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Repeat Last Command(s)
Repeat last command or commands. toggle pinned command with tab
+146 (+64.32%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024

Medium Volume Plugins (between 50000 and 100000 downloads)

A ChatGPT Copilot in Obsidian.
+3865 (+6.02%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Import data from Notion, Evernote, Google Keep, Bear, and HTML files.
+4605 (+4.98%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Smart Connections
Chat with your notes & find links to similar content using artificial intelligence like OpenAI Embeddings, GPT-3.5 & GPT-4.
+3660 (+4.4%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Omnivore plugin for Obsidian.
+1881 (+3.9%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Display Markdown tasks on kanban-style boards.
+2130 (+3.89%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024

High Volume Plugins (More than 100000 downloads)

Auto Link Title
Automatically fetches the titles of links from the web.
+5796 (+5.05%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Text Generator
Text generator is a handy plugin that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).
+5584 (+3.1%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Remotely Save
Yet another unofficial plugin allowing users to sync notes between local device and the cloud service (S3, Dropbox, webdav, OneDrive).
+10590 (+3%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Hover Editor
Transform the Page Preview hover popover into a fully working editor instance.
+4901 (+2.87%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024
Add icons to anything you desire in Obsidian, including files, folders, and text.
+12471 (+2.62%)
Past week
Jan 15, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024

Anything interesting?

Anything interesting in these trends? Let us know in the comments below!

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